What are the cons of owning an African grey parrot?

The Uncharted Waters of Owning an African Grey Parrot: Exploring the Lesser-Known Cons


African Grey Parrots, renowned for their exceptional intelligence and striking beauty, have captivated bird enthusiasts worldwide. As affectionate companions and exceptional mimics, they have become popular pets for those seeking interactive and engaging animal companions. However, like any other pet, owning an African Grey Parrot comes with its fair share of challenges. In this article, we delve into the lesser-known cons of sharing your life with these remarkable creatures.

african grey parrot

Longevity and Commitment:

One of the most overlooked aspects of owning an African Grey Parrot is the tremendous commitment involved. These birds are known for their long lifespans, with some living up to 50-60 years or even more in captivity. Acquiring a parrot means taking responsibility for their well-being and happiness throughout their lifetime. Potential owners must carefully consider the implications of this lifelong commitment, especially if there is uncertainty about personal circumstances or the ability to provide consistent care over the years.

High Intelligence, High Demands:
African Grey Parrots are among the most intelligent birds, rivaling the cognitive abilities of a young child. While their intelligence makes them fascinating companions, it also presents challenges. These birds require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and potential behavioral problems. Without regular interaction, they can become frustrated, leading to feather-plucking, self-mutilation, or aggressive behaviors. Owners must dedicate significant time and effort to keep their parrots mentally engaged, which can be demanding for those with busy schedules.

Noise Levels:
African Grey Parrots are not particularly loud birds compared to some other parrot species, but they can still be quite noisy, especially during mornings and evenings. Their vocalizations can include mimicry of household sounds, loud squawking, and whistling. In apartments or close living quarters, this noise can become bothersome to neighbors, leading to potential conflicts and stress for the owner.

Mess and Destruction:

Parrots are natural foragers and chewers. African Greys, in particular, have powerful beaks and a propensity to chew on various objects. This behavior is essential for them in the wild, but it can become a headache for owners who find their furniture, books, and household items in tatters. Regular cleanup becomes a necessity to maintain a tidy living space, and providing appropriate toys and chew items can help redirect their destructive tendencies.

Health Issues:
African Grey Parrots are susceptible to certain health issues, including respiratory problems, feather-plucking due to stress, and nutritional deficiencies. These birds need a balanced diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and quality pellets. Veterinary care, especially from avian specialists, can be expensive and challenging to find in some areas, making it crucial for owners to budget for potential medical expenses.

Emotional Sensitivity:
These intelligent parrots are emotionally sensitive creatures that can bond deeply with their human caregivers. While this emotional connection can be heartwarming, it also means they can experience feelings of grief and separation anxiety if they feel abandoned or neglected. Changes in the household, such as moving to a new place or the introduction of new pets, can be particularly stressful for an African Grey.


Owning an African Grey Parrot is a unique and rewarding experience, but it requires dedication, time, and a considerable understanding of their complex needs. From the lifelong commitment to their high intelligence demands and potential health issues, there are various cons to consider. However, for those who can provide the necessary care and attention, the joy of sharing life with these brilliant and affectionate birds can undoubtedly outweigh the challenges they present. Before bringing an African Grey Parrot into your life, it is crucial to thoroughly research and prepare for the responsibilities involved to ensure a happy and fulfilling companionship for both owner and bird.

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