Cockatoo for Sale

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N.B. Huge DISCOUNT Available when you Purchase a PAIR


Umbrella Cockatoo with Yellow Tail


Moluccan Cockatoo


Sulphur-crested Cockatoo


Umbrella Cockatoo


Cockatoo Species Eggs


Gang Gang Cockatoo

Cockatoo Parrots: The Charming Companions with a Flair for the Dramatic

Delve into the captivating world of Cockatoo Parrots, a group of parrot species beloved for their distinctive crests, charismatic personalities, and emotional intelligence. Native to Australia, Indonesia, and the surrounding islands, these parrots are not just pets but companions that offer a unique blend of affection, loyalty, and entertainment.

The Distinctive Crest and Colors of Cockatoo Parrots

Cockatoo Parrots are easily recognized by their dramatic crests, which they can raise and lower depending on their mood. Their plumage varies widely among species—from the pure white of the Umbrella Cockatoo to the deep pink of the Galah or the striking black of the Palm Cockatoo. This vibrant display is a key trait that makes them a favorite among bird enthusiasts.

Emotional and Social: The Cockatoo Parrot's Need for Bonding

Known for their social and loving nature, Cockatoo Parrots form deep bonds with their owners. They crave attention and affection, often becoming an integral part of the family. These birds are also known for their loud calls, which in the wild are used to communicate across long distances, but in a home setting, it reflects their need for social interaction.

Caring for Your Cockatoo Parrot: Diet and Enrichment Essentials

A balanced diet for a Cockatoo Parrot should include specialized pellets, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional seeds and nuts as treats. Mental stimulation is just as important as nutrition; these intelligent birds require regular interaction, training, and puzzle toys to keep their minds active.

The Importance of Sustainable and Ethical Practices for Cockatoo Conservation

While Cockatoos are adored as pets, their popularity has led to challenges in conservation. It's important to support ethical breeding practices and resist the temptation of the illegal bird trade. By protecting their natural habitats and ensuring they are sourced responsibly, we help maintain healthy wild populations.

A Birdwatcher's Delight: Observing Cockatoo Parrots in Natural Habitats

For birdwatchers and nature lovers, observing Cockatoos in their natural environment is an extraordinary experience. Their playful antics, powerful flights, and social structures provide endless fascination and highlight the importance of conservation efforts.


Cockatoo Parrots are more than just birds with a pretty crest; they are intelligent, emotional creatures that bring joy to households and the wild alike. By understanding and respecting their needs and supporting conservation efforts, we ensure these magnificent birds continue to thrive both as companions and as free spirits of the skies.

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Monday - Friday : 8am - 7pm
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